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Offshore pipelines are critical infrastructures and any possible damage may have devastating financial and environmental consequences. Earthquake-related geohazards (such as strong ground motion, active seismic faults, submarine landslides and debris flows) consist crucial threats that an offshore pipeline has to overcome. The main aim of the current study is to examine analytically a seabed-laid offshore pipeline subjected to a lateral kinematic distress due to a submarine landslide or a debris flow. Extra emphasis is given on the impact of pipe-soil interaction on the pipe response, by the realistic representation of the soil resistance via a tri-linear model. Firstly, the proposed analytical model is validated with a numerical model utilizing the finite-element method. Subsequently, various combinations of soil parameters and loading conditions that affect the examined problem are investigated with realistic input data taken from the offshore section of the high-pressure natural-gas pipeline TAP (Trans Adriatic Pipeline) in the Adriatic Sea. Finally, useful conclusions are drawn regarding the applicability and the efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   
This study uses an incompressible smoothed‐particle hydrodynamics model to investigate the interaction between dry granular material flows and rigid barriers. The primary aim is to summarise some practical guidelines for the design of debris‐resisting barriers. The granular materials are modelled as a rigid‐perfectly plastic material where the plastic flow corresponds to the critical state. The coupled continuity equation and momentum equation are solved by a semi‐implicit algorithm. Compared with flows in controlled flume experiments, the model adequately reproduces both the kinetic of the flows and the impact force under various conditions. Then the numerical simulations are used to study the detailed interaction process. It is illustrated quantitatively that the interaction force consists of two parts, ie, the earth pressure force caused by the weight of the soil and a dynamic force caused by the internal deformation (flowing mass on top of a dead zone). For the estimation of impact load, this study suggests that an increased earth pressure coefficient depending on the Froude number should be incorporated into the hydrostatic model.  相似文献   
This paper presents a detailed numerical study of the retrogressive failure of landslides in sensitive clays. The dynamic modelling of the landslides is carried out using a novel continuum approach, the particle finite element method, complemented with an elastoviscoplastic constitutive model. The multiwedge failure mode in the collapse is captured successfully, and the multiple retrogressive failures that have been widely observed in landslides in sensitive clays are reproduced with the failure mechanism, the kinematics, and the deposition being discussed in detail. Special attention has been paid to the role of the clay sensitivity on each retrogressive failure as well as on the final retrogression distance and the final run‐out distance via parametric studies. Moreover, the effects of the viscosity of sensitive clays on the failure are also investigated for different clay sensitivities.  相似文献   
顺层岩质边坡易发生失稳破坏,当边坡中发育有顺坡向陡倾结构面时,更不利于边坡稳定。以贵州某水电站大坝左岸含陡倾结构面顺层边坡为例,在综合分析地质条件及开挖扰动的基础上,结合离散元软件UDEC,分析了边坡的变形破坏模式和稳定性。研究结果表明,边坡可能发生的变形破坏模式主要有滑移、拉裂—滑移两种;自然状况下及开挖后,边坡都有沿断层f_9、卸荷裂隙L_1及岩层面发生滑移的趋势,且工程开挖导致边坡沿该结构面发生内部滑动;对边坡采用预应力锚索加固后,变形得到有效控制,位移数值计算值与实际监测值基本吻合。  相似文献   
水力压裂是开采地下页岩气资源的有效技术手段,探究页岩水力压裂裂缝的扩展规律,可为页岩气的高效开采提供科学的指导依据。通过运用大型有限元软件ABAQUS中的扩展有限元模块,针对不同地应力差工况条件下均质页岩中初始裂缝的位置、方位角、数量和含层理页岩中层理的构造方向、内部倾角、岩性对水力裂缝扩展的影响进行探究。结果表明:对于垂向扩展的水力裂缝,水平主应力增大使裂缝更不易扩展,裂缝扩展长度减小、起裂压力增大;在注液体积流量相同时,向初始裂缝两端同时起裂所形成的水力裂缝长度大于仅向一侧起裂;当初始裂缝处于页岩中部且呈45°方向时,裂缝会向最大水平主应力方向偏转,且偏转程度随最大水平主应力的增大而增大;分时多簇压裂时,裂缝间的扩展会相互干扰,且会较大地影响裂缝扩展的形态和起裂压力,但对裂缝注液点裂缝宽度的影响较小;对于含水平和竖直构造层理的页岩,改变层理内部倾角,水力裂缝会出现不同程度偏转,且其偏转程度随着层理内部倾角的增大而减小;对于含45°方向构造层理的页岩,水力裂缝在层理分别为砂岩、煤岩和泥岩中的偏转程度依次增大,且裂缝偏移比随着最大水平主应力的增大而增大。  相似文献   
为探究模型试验中层状软岩模拟方法,依托九绵高速层状软岩隧道现场取样的室内试验结果,多次试验确定重晶石粉、石英砂、石膏粉、滑石粉和水的最优配比以模拟软岩基体,采用带孔薄膜模拟层理弱面的黏结作用,并通过直剪试验确定孔隙率,最后对不同层理角度与层理厚度的试样开展直剪与单、三轴试验以反映各向异性情况。结果表明:软岩基体模拟最优配比为0.55:0.15:0.07:0.06:0.17,重晶石粉对强度及破坏变形起决定作用,含量过低易压溃,含量过高产生上下贯通裂缝;采用30%孔洞率的薄膜模拟层理效果最佳;土样强度随层角呈U形变化,层厚减小(不小于2 cm),强度减小。直剪试验中,45º层理剪切面朝层理方向倾斜,90º层理导致剪切面上下产生裂缝与碎裂,单三轴结果中,0º层理会产生小角度倾斜裂缝,45º层理产生垂直层理面的斜裂缝及二次破裂,90º层理产生顺层理的竖向劈裂;与现场结果对照后确定最优层厚为 3 cm,对层角与层厚的直剪与单三轴试验结果整体一致,揭示土样孔隙压密闭合−弹性−塑性胀裂破坏−徐变的过程。  相似文献   
新疆和中亚五国山河相连,都是“一带一路”建设的重要支点,但也是滑坡、泥石流等斜坡灾害的高发区,且两地的地质灾害发育有着明显的共性。本文对新疆和中亚地区的斜坡灾害研究现状进行综述,分析了两地斜坡灾害形成机理、发育规律,即中高山地分布集中,受降雨和冰雪融水影响很大,黄土滑坡发育。新疆的斜坡灾害研究多围绕公路、水利等工程设施;中亚地区的斜坡灾害研究以自然灾害居多,且在很大程度上受地震作用控制。最后,分析了新疆及中亚地区斜坡灾害研究的发展趋势,建议建立现代化的灾害监测预警系统,加强“一带一路”沿线国家地质灾害研究的国际合作。  相似文献   
基于SBAS- InSAR技术的西藏雄巴古滑坡变形特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大型古滑坡及其强变形和复活灾害日益频发,已造成重大灾害事件和严重损失.古滑坡的发育、变形影响因素多、机理复杂和识别难度大,本文采用SBAS-InSAR技术,结合遥感解译,获取了金沙江西岸雄巴村古滑坡2017年10月至2020年6月间的地表变形特征.研究表明,雄巴古滑坡方量巨大,可达2.6×108~6×108 m3,根据InSAR形变监测结果,滑坡前缘发育H1和H2等2个大型强变形区,变形级别分为4级:极强变形区(-132.1 mm/a≤VLOS<-58.5 mm/a)、强变形区(-58.5 mm/a≤VLOS<-20.3 mm/a)、中等变形区(-20.3 mm/a≤VLOS<l.8 mm/a)和弱变形区(1.8 mm/a≤VLOS<55.4 mm/a);其中H1变形区,最大累计变形量达203.8 mm,H2变形区变形量达302.1 mm.受金沙江河流侵蚀,特别是上游75 km的2018年10月和11月白格2次滑坡-堵江-溃坝-泥石流/洪水灾害链对雄巴古滑坡坡脚的侵蚀,加剧了雄巴古滑坡的变形,其中H1变形区的蠕滑速率是白格滑坡灾害链发生前的14~16倍,灾害链引起H2区发生变形,雄巴古滑坡整体呈现牵引式复活状态.基于SBAS-InSAR的形变监测结果得到了野外的验证,目前H1变形区前缘出现局部垮塌,滑体中横向和竖向裂缝发育,局部呈现拉张状态.雄巴古滑坡目前呈现持续变形中,部分地段为加速变形,雄巴古滑坡发生大规模复活将导致堰塞金沙江-溃坝-泥石流灾害链,应加强雄巴古滑坡的空—天—地一体化监测预警,为该区正在规划建设的重大工程和流域性地质安全风险提供技术支撑和科学依据.  相似文献   
This paper presents a dynamic fully coupled formulation for saturated and unsaturated soils that undergo large deformations based on material point method. Governing equations are applied to porous material while considering it as a continuum in which the pores of the solid skeleton are filled with water and air. The accuracy of the developed method is tested with available experimental and numerical results. The developed method has been applied to investigate the failure and post‐failure behaviour of rapid landslides in unsaturated slopes subjected to rainfall infiltration using two different bedrock geometries that lie below the top soil. The models show different failure and post‐failure mechanisms depending on the bedrock geometry and highlight the negative effects of continuous rain infiltrations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Quantitative assessment of the risk of submarine landslides is an essential part of the design process for offshore oil and gas developments in deep water, beyond the continental shelf. Landslides may be triggered by a reduction in shear strength of subsea sediments over a given zone, caused for example by seismic activity. Simple criteria are then needed to identify critical conditions whereby the zone of weakness could grow catastrophically to cause a landslide. A number of such criteria have been developed over the last decade, based either on ideas drawn from fracture mechanics, or considering the equilibrium of the initial weakened zone and adjacent process zones of gradually softening material. Accounting for the history of the weak zone initiation is critical for derivation of reliable propagation criteria, in particular considering dynamic effects arising from accumulating kinetic energy of the failing material, which will allow the failure to propagate from a smaller initial zone of weakened sediments. Criteria are developed here for planar conditions, taking full account of such dynamic effects, which are shown to be capable of reducing the critical length of the softened zone by 20% or more compared with criteria based on static conditions. A numerical approach is used to solve the governing dynamic equations for the sliding material, the results from which justify assumptions that allow analytical criteria to be developed for the case where the initial softening occurs instantaneously. The effect of more gradual softening is also explored. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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